FMF- “Empty”

Five Minute Friday – write for 5 minutes Ready. Go. “EMPTY”   4 May 2017   How can on be empty and still move from, minister from a place of fullness?  A couple of weeks ago, was running on fumes prepping/packing for out of state Women in Ministry...

“Define- Who are you?”

Five Minute Friday “Define” How do you define yourself? Who are you?  Do you say you are ‘just a mom”?  “Just a _____” ‘ factory worker, ‘student’…a ‘nobody”?    Do you continue to define yourself by what or who you were in your past? Before Christ came into your...

FMF “Friend”

Five Minute Friday “Friend” Ready, begin… Some say that friendships can last for a season, and sometimes for years. But what happens if you think that a “best friend forever” is no more?  A blip happens and no matter how much repentance or space is given, nothing...

Five Minute Friday “Purpose”

five minute friday “purpose” begin  I understood as a mom of littles that  I was fulfilling the purpose God had for me for that season, though it seemed and was a long season.  But then the  littles grew up.  Still some in my house but older, teens and...

Five Minute Friday “Slow”

Five Minute Friday Prompt “SLOW” Ready, set, go.   This has totally taken a complete turn in my head.  Originally, thinking there is often much on my plate and in my head that I tend to not work fast because so much is happening. Why is it that memories,...


#FiveMinuteFriday “Safe” Fmf Friday prompt Week of 9 february 2017 Ready, set, write… There is Safety in the mundane.  Comfort zones are just that…comfortable. But mundane is not always where God wants you.  He wants to stretch you, test you, rather, expand your...

EAT #FiveMinuteFridays

EAT IN 5 MINUTES… Ready, go:   Jesus said in John 6:35 that He was the bread of life and whoever believes in Him will no longer be hungry nor will thirst. Our food/nourishment will come from The Word, His words.   But does that mean that we will have no need of...

Five Minute Friday “Collect”

Five minutes. One prompt. Still rusty. Ready. Go. Some people collect leaves, some books, stamps or antiques. Me….I collect paper clips. Promises. A long time ago during a season of many road trips, I was blessed to make many connections. And stay in touch....


HELP Psalms 121 finds David looking to the hills. Wondering if there are armies of friends or foes hiding in the hills.  How often do we ask that same question?  “Where does my help come from?” Looking for someone, anyone to help us out of our plight  (real or...