A Cloud of Witnesses book review

The adventures of Martha and Marya continue in the next installment by Emily Hanlon. While I did read Book One “Who Am I To Judge” before I read this one I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary. It is helpful to know how Marya and Martha...
Trust the Stars- Tricia Goyer Review

Trust the Stars- Tricia Goyer Review

Trust the Stars by Tricia Goyer is another title in White Crown Publishing’s Royal/Princess line.  While in many ways this is your typical royal romance: there is a prince (Louis) who doesn’t want to be recognized, who wants to escape even briefly from the demand...
Royal & Ancient by Amanda Lauer review

Royal & Ancient by Amanda Lauer review

First a caveat- I don’t read a lot of Young Adult fiction. It’s just not often on my TBR stack or lists.  And I don’t often read fiction revolving around the Catholic faith.  That said- this was a delightful read. This is a time travel story-  Bronwyn,...
The Cost of The Crown by Joy Crain Book Review

The Cost of The Crown by Joy Crain Book Review

I thought this was a lovely debut. I don’t typically read a lot of royal romances, but I enjoyed this one. A chance encounter at an airport with neither of them saying who they really are leads to obvious secret keeping. Missy is the daughter of the American...