by fistbumpmedia | Mar 14, 2022 | Gracefully Truthful, Uncategorized
“When we journey to a new place, we don’t plan on traveling for 40 years, encountering hardship after hardship. Yet, that’s exactly what happened to the people of Israel. God delivered them from bondage in Egypt (Exodus 13:17-22), and they began their journey to...
by fistbumpmedia | Feb 22, 2022 | Book Reviews
Amy-Jill Levine with her book “Witness at the Cross” takes an intriguing look at Holy Friday, the day of Christ’s Crucifixion. Focusing on many of the secondary characters that were involved in, or were also there on that day. She uses a great blend of...
by fistbumpmedia | Dec 5, 2021 | Book Reviews, Uncategorized
Lady Juliette Thorndike is about to have her society debut. Unlike all the other debutantes her parents are mysteriously absent. That becomes only the first mystery in a great story from Erica Vetsch. If you have read her Serendipity & Secrets series you will...
by fistbumpmedia | Oct 14, 2021 | Book Reviews
Do you have a bookshelf of writing guides? I do, and well, it’s an addiction, but a good one. I’m going to flag one for you to look into: The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and Inner Struggles (Vol. 1). This book is...
by fistbumpmedia | Oct 13, 2021 | Book Reviews
A frank and funny look at what to do when together is too close Two’s company, especially for those who love each other. So what happens when—due to retirement, working from home, or even running a business together—spouses find that being in the same space all...
by fistbumpmedia | Oct 11, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
“From the beginning, humankind has been waiting. In one crushing moment, paradise and unbroken relationship with God were lost. As Adam and Eve trudged from the lushness of the Garden into the dust of everywhere else because of their decision to sin against the...
by fistbumpmedia | Oct 5, 2021 | Book Reviews
Imagine a group of women who have been doing ministry together for a number of years in the same place at the same time and then their comfort zone gets closed off. That is where this novel opens for the Heavenly Hugs Prayer Shawl ministry has been banished from the...
by fistbumpmedia | Jul 29, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
Over on the Gracefully Truthful website today, digging deeper into a passage from their post yesterday “Un-Risen”. Digging into a portion of Matthew 28. Would love for you to join me- Un-Risen Digging Deeper
by fistbumpmedia | Jul 1, 2021 | Book Reviews
I really enjoyed this novel by Kimberley Woodhouse. I had not read her before. Kimberley Woodhouse is known for her historical romances. “Bridge of Gold” is so much more. It’s a split time or dual timeline, with the present day and 1930’s during the building of...
by fistbumpmedia | Jun 24, 2021 | Book Reviews
If you enjoy reading Biblical fiction that is rich in detail and characters you will enjoy Tessa Afshar’s Jewel of the Nile. Chariline, our heroine is half Cushite, half Roman. We often think of Biblical history as only taking place in the Mediterranean, Middle...