Keep On Keeping On

Keep On Keeping On

So blessed to once again,  be over at the Breathe Writer’s Conference blog. How do you keep going? In life? In writing?  In pursuing your calling? Your dreams?...

Routine or Lack of One.

Five Minute Friday- where for five minutes and only five minutes you use one word and free write. Ready…begin… As a person of faith, my routine should be to get into God’s Word daily and often. As a writer, or wannabee writer I need to get my hiney in a chair daily...


A Five Minute free-write on “Provide”. When we think of Providing, or provision, we automatically usually think of a job. Paid work, money to have a roof over our heads, food on the table and perhaps a few ‘likes’ as well as all the necessities taken care of. That...

FMF- “Regret”

FMF ‘Regret’ Write five minutes on one word. Go… “Regret”. What a word. Truly so much and yet so hard. The past few years there has been a lot of instances of regret in my life. Two unexpected deaths, one my only brother and my mother. Being the baby of the family by...
AMAZON® Gift Card Giveaway!

AMAZON® Gift Card Giveaway!

Women’s Bible Cafe, myself and other women in ministry are teaming up and gifting someone an Amazon Gift card worth $150. Great thing to have heading into wedding and graduation season or just something fun for yourself! Come visit our Facebook pages and comment so we...
“Heeding the Call”

“Heeding the Call”

Do you wonder if you are ‘called’ to write when you don’t hear God’s voice in an audible way? So blessed and excited to be sharing again over at Breathe  Writer’s Conference blog. Hope it blesses. “Heeding the...
Tears and “Amen”

Tears and “Amen”

This conference was definitely a ‘do it scared’ weekend. Blessed to be over at the Breathe Writers Conference blog today. Hope it blesses and encourages you. No matter what your dreams may be. Tears and “Amen”