

Have you ever had a secret? Not a horrid secret just a God thing that you were holding close? Join me over at Breathe Writers’ Conference blog as I share about a time where my secret was revealed. Not by me. “Outed” – Breathe...

“Where Community Happens”

This post by really resonated with me. While I would love to have an outdoor beautifully set up dinner with my friends…it just isn’t the only way to be real with one another. Hopefully this post will encourage you as well. Real life, real community, real...


ADAPT A Five Minute Friday Freewrite exercise. One word, five minutes. It seems easier some times than others to adapt. I don’t like change, big or small. So being willing to change is difficult. When a large (to me) plan ceases, adapting to that loss is not easy. I...
“Step Out of the Boat”

“Step Out of the Boat”

Blessed once again to be stepping out of my comfort zone and writing for Breathe Writers Conference. Praying it’s an encouragement to all. “Matthew 14:22-33 tells the tale of an encounter Peter had with Jesus.  First though, he had to be in a situation...

“When Plans Turn”

Turn-   a Five Minute Friday Prompt Set a timer for five minutes and write. No editing, no proofing. Just write. Ready, begin. What do you do when your plans change? When plans turn out different than you had originally thought?  Usually I fret; and it takes a while...