by fistbumpmedia | May 19, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
I’m over at Gracefully Truthful this week as part of their new theme Nations. Digging a bit into Ezekiel 37. Join me here. Photo credit: brenton_clarke/Lightstock
by fistbumpmedia | Apr 27, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
Today I am digging into Psalm 103 over at Gracefully Truthful. What does “blessing the Lord” and “fear the Lord” mean? Join me here. Photo Credit: Whitney L. Schwartz/Lightstock
by fistbumpmedia | Apr 19, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
“Words. They have the power to carry or condemn. To hearten or hurt.” How did Jesus (the Word made flesh) use His words? Join me over at Gracefully Truthful today as a new theme “Word” begins. Word Day 1-Do You Believe?
by fistbumpmedia | Mar 23, 2021 | Book Reviews, Giveaways
So excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for Erica Vetsch’s newest and last in the “Serendipity & Secrets” series. I thoroughly enjoyed this series and am so excited to share a bit of Erica Vetsch with you. First things first- the review: Fans of...
by fistbumpmedia | Mar 12, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
March for me is so bittersweet. 3 weddings, but also 2 deaths (both of my parents), and one funeral. When I first wrote this piece 5 months ago I wept in spots. Reliving circumstances and situations all over again. I wept again when I got the notification with the...
by fistbumpmedia | Feb 22, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful, Uncategorized
Webster’s defines fervent as “exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling: zealous”. In this season of social and political turmoil, many people are quite fervent regarding their stance on certain issues. We don’t often consider praying...
by fistbumpmedia | Feb 11, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
When we read the Bible we sometimes get overwhelmed by the prophets; who they were, what they said. We imagine only doom and gloom comes from a prophets mouth. Isaiah is rich in both. Amid all the warnings he also encourages. Reminding us that God does know what He’s...
by fistbumpmedia | Jan 16, 2021 | Gracefully Truthful
So blessed to be over at Gracefully Truthful again. Digging into Romans 6:1-11. How we can be transformed by the power of Christ. Day 10 Transformed Follower: Digging Deeper
by fistbumpmedia | Dec 23, 2020 | Gracefully Truthful, Uncategorized
It’s been a year. A year of stretching and growth as I’ve been one of the writers for Gracefully Truthful. I still marvel at God and His plans and that others would seek my words. I wrote this in September, but it pretty much sums up the whole of 2020. Hope....
by fistbumpmedia | Dec 11, 2020 | Guest Posts, Uncategorized
I am still in awe that others want to read my words. Join me today over at FlourishinPurpose blog for a bit of encouragement when you feel hopeless. Photo credit- Rob Birkbeck/Lightstock