Five Minute Friday- where for five minutes and only five minutes you use one word and free write.
As a person of faith, my routine should be to get into God’s Word daily and often. As a writer, or wannabee writer I need to get my hiney in a chair daily and write. But, true confession, I don’t. Not always daily and with the writing sadly, a week can go by without me typing or penning words on a page.
I lack the self-discipline. I listen to the wrong voices.
But as a writer and a person of faith I need to be in the Word daily. However I get the Word in my brain and heart that is what I need. My spirit craves it. I know that in order to write about faith and hopefully encourage others in the journey that if I am not being filled up I can’t pour out.
I know I am not the only one who struggles. I know that many times I look at others and see what I want to be. I also know that sometimes I am digging in when others are struggling. This journey isn’t meant to be journeyed alone.