I’ve always been one of those that wanted to create a haven for my husband. But alas, perfectionism and procrastination always derailed me. And budgetary woes.  Then came children. Lots of children.

Thought a house would be the answer. Even have a name for it.  But still those issues of the past…

I always thought it had to be “House Beautiful” looking.  Not happening. I do know listening to the perfectionist voice is not going to make my haven a reality.

Friends come over and they are blessed with friendship and God -talk and homemade coffee creamer.  And that works. Someday perhaps my home will be more of a haven and restful. But for now it’s okay that others aren’t looking at the unfinished-ness , they just know they are welcome to hang out and get a shoulder, a listening ear, tissues (when needed) , encouragement and homemade coffee creamer.