A Five Minute free-write on “Provide”.
When we think of Providing, or provision, we automatically usually think of a job. Paid work, money to have a roof over our heads, food on the table and perhaps a few ‘likes’ as well as all the necessities taken care of.
That takes care of the physical side of our lives but what about the Spiritual side of our lives?

Jesus said he can take care of both. Don’t worry about what you need, for the Father knows it. And will provide for you.
And spiritually He said “If you abide in me, I will abide in you.”
Cue all the paraphrasing here.

For Spiritual hunger and thirst to be filled we have to seek Him. He is the Bread of Life and Living Water.
You get that by seeking Him, whether in the cool of the day, the middle of the night, or simply in your car or doing the dishes.
Reading and listening to The Bible. Perhaps journaling.
The Provision will come as you seek His wisdom out. The hunger and thirst will be filled.
Whether you realized you needed it in the first place or not.